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Reporting and News Writing

The key question: Why are you writing this story at this time?

Set Your Focus
  1. What’s the story about?
  2. How would you tell it to a friend?
  1. Lead hook the reader?
  2. Lead fewer that 30 words, preferable 20.
  3. Lead backed up high in story?
  4. Focus or “nut” graph high in story?
  5. “So What?” angle. Is it lively and strong?
  6. Lead quotation lively and strong?
  1. History included to explain how or why action occurred?
  2. Statistics all there, and clearly explained? Do your numbers add up? Double check.
  3. The money—Where’s it coming from or going to?
  4. What happens now?
  1. Unnecessary words edited out?
  2. Writing precise?
  3. Writing sensitive to all groups?
  4. Sentences and paragraphs short?
  5. Verbs lively? Adjectives and adverbs rare?
  6. Active not passive voice used most of the time?
Double Check
  1. Is impact on reader’s life explained?
  2. Correct sources quoted, leading with students or teachers affected?
  3. Story fair and balanced?
  4. Story free of your opinions and biases?