- Victims: Names, ages, addresses, other relevant personal information. (double-check all spellings.)
- Extent of injuries/cause of death. Identify hospital where any injured were taken.
- Cause of accident, according to police, not victims or bystanders.
- Location of accident.
- Time.
- Circumstances: road conditions, weather, ect.
- Vehicles: number, type (i.e., car, truck, van, bicycle - not the exact make or model), brief description of damages.
- Arrests or citations made by police.
- Comments from police, eyewitnesses, victims or passengers.
- Acts of heroism or dramatic rescues.
- Relevant facts about the drivers' destinations, speed, reasons for travel, driving histories, etc.
This blog is a "how to" guide to help you prepare journalistic pieces that are accurate, in context, free from bias, and that have all sides presented fairly showing respect for the facts.
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Accident Story (News)
Based on Harrower's "Inside Reporting," Pp. 98-99.