Organization: The hourglass (martini glass) structure.
- Start with a summary news lead.
- Summarize other key facts.
- Describe events in chronological order.
- End with kicker: a surprise twist or strong quotation.
1. Victim's name and as much relevant personal information as possible. Double-check spellings.
- If you are working from the campus crime log, the victim's name may not be provided.
- If sex crime, victim's name is usually NOT published.
3. Location of the incident
4. Time of incident and police response
5. Circumstances, including weapons used, other clues, suspectd motive.
6. Description of suspect, if one is being sought.
7. Name and indentification of anyone arrested; charges filed, if any.
8. Comments from police, neighbors, friends, family.
9. Unusual factors: similar recent crimes, etc.
10. Attribute to crime report OFTEN. Don't assume; just report what's in the official report.
1. Type, value of items taken.
2. Victim, identification.
3. Location and time.
4. Circumstances, including weapons used, other clues.
5. Description of suspect, if one is being sought.
6. Name and identification of anyone arrested; charges filed, if any. Details about bail.
7. Comments from police, neighbors, friends, family.
8. Unusual factors: similar recent crimes, etc.